Tollgate Garden Volunteers

MSU Tollgate Educational Center
28115 Meadowbrook Rd.
Novi, MI 48377

Are you a Master Gardener or a home gardener who wants to expand your experiences and knowledge? MSU Tollgate Gardens are the perfect place for you. Here is the opportunity to continue your education by working side by side with seasoned gardeners. These smart and welcoming people are always happy to share their knowledge.

Being a Tollgate volunteer has many advantages: participating in monthly programs with speakers, sharing your gardening experiences and making new friends. Garden workdays are every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. until noon with a hot dog and potato salad lunch provided after the workday.

Tollgate is a 160 acre “oasis” located in the heart of Novi at the corner of Meadowbrook and 12 Mile Roads. Just look for the long white fence.

More information is available at or 248-347-3860 ext. 251.

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