MGSOC Educational Conferences

For a list of our previous conferences and outstanding speakers, click HERE.

Our conferences are offered to all who love to garden

All skill levels are welcome, and you need not be a Master Gardener to attend. Master Gardeners receive 5 hours CE Credit.

Chair: Betty Peters

Join us for our 11th Annual Education Garden Conference

Gardening And All That Jazz – Garden Potpourri

Saturday, April 26, 2025, 7:30 AM – 5 PM


2025 Keynote Speakers

Bob Iiames sb-min
Bob Iiames

Conifers for Today’s Gardens

Charlie Nardozzi sb-min
Charlie Nardozzi

A New Look at Ecological Gardening and Companion Planting

Stacey Hirvela sb-min
Stacey Hirvela

Seeing Shrubs: a Celebration of the “Backbone of the Garden”

Susan Martin sb-min
Susan Martin

An Insider’s Guide to Buying the Best Plants


Registration Information

The 2025 MGSOC Education Conference will be held at A NEW LOCATION, The Oakland Center, Oakland University, 312 Meadow Brook Rd., Rochester, MI 48309

  • Registration Fee: $95
  • Cancellation Policy: No refunds are granted.
  • Registration Deadline: Midnight, Monday, April 14, 2025 (Checks must be received by this date).
  • Registration options:
    • Register online: buy tickets here
    • Register by mail: mail print form and check (made payable to MGSOC, Inc.) to Dianah Foster, Treasurer, MGSOC, 2475 Dorfield Dr., Rocheter Hills, MI 48307
  • Please direct conference registration questions to Ann:
    Phone (248) 812-9437, E-mail: [email protected]

Conference Agenda

Conference begins promptly at 8:45 a.m.

Each presentation will be one hour long, with a 15-minute Q&A.

7:30 AM - Doors open. Continental breakfast and refreshments will be served.

Bob Iiames

Conifers for Today’s Gardens

Charlie Nardozzi

A New Look at Ecological Gardening and Companion Planting

Stacey Hirvela

Seeing Shrubs: A Celebration of the “Backbone of the Garden”

Susan Martin

An Insiders Guide to Buying the Best Plants

5:00 PM - Conference Closes

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Conifers for Today’s Gardens

Conifers that change color? Conifers that require no pruning? Conifers for shady areas and difficult locations? Get ready to explore the versatile world of conifers. Join Bob Iiames for an informative session where he’ll reveal the surprising variety of conifers that not only thrive in challenging spaces but also offer striking seasonal color changes and require minimal maintenance. You’ll discover exciting options for every corner of your landscape. Bob will share classic favorites and unusual new varieties, how to integrate them into your own gardens, and where to purchase them.

Bob Iiames Bio:

Bob Iiames is a groundskeeper at the 173-acre Lange Estate in Ludlow Falls, Ohio. He is the director of the Central Region of the American Conifer Society, past president of the Miami Valley Hosta Society, and a member of the Ohio Valley North American Rock Garden Society. As you might imagine, his favorite pastime is gardening. His passion is dwarf and unusual conifers and currently he has more than 400. The gardens showcase more than 400 hostas, 250 daylilies, rock garden plants, and many other rare and unusual perennials. He hosts Bob’s Garden Fair, a sale of rare and unusual conifers, trees, perennials and handmade garden art, each year on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. Bob has provided continuing education for Master Gardeners from Ohio’s Miami, Montgomery, and Greene Counties; Hendricks County, Indiana; Penn State Master Gardeners, as well as Miami Valley Green Industry Professionals. He has spoken to numerous garden clubs, plant societies, the Great Lakes Region Hardy Plant Society, the Federation of Garden Clubs, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, local garden centers. He lives in Englewood with his wife Karen.

A New Look at Ecological Gardening and Companion Planting

Many gardeners want to garden more in tune with Nature and use less pesticides, fertilizers and water. In this talk I’ll define ecological gardening and talk about ways to use these techniques to build better soil. I’ll discuss No Dig gardening methods and how this technique reduces weeding, watering and work in the garden while fostering a more diverse plant ecology. I also will talk about new research on companion planting offering new ways to plant vegetables, herbs and flowers together for nutrient sharing, space sharing, and insect, disease and weed controls.

Charlie Nardozzi Bio:

Charlie Nardozzi is a Regional Emmy® award winning, nationally recognized garden writer, speaker, radio, and television personality. He has worked for more than 30 years bringing expert gardening information to home gardeners through radio, television, talks, tours, on-line, and the printed page. Charlie delights in making gardening information simple, easy, fun and accessible to everyone. He’s the author of 7 gardening books, has three radio shows in New England and a TV gardening segment in Vermont. He speaks around the country at flower shows, to Master Gardener groups and garden clubs on a variety of gardening topics. Charlie also leads international garden tours around the world.

Seeing Shrubs: a Celebration of the “Backbone of the Garden”

The word “shrub” doesn’t exactly inspire excitement. However, in context, shrubs encompass some of our most beloved – and useful – plants for gardening and landscaping. From abelia to weigela to new genera you’ve maybe never heard of before, we’ll explore the story behind new varieties and old favorites from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs, how to grow them, and some inspiration for making them a part of your garden.

Stacey Hirvela Bio:

After earning her degree in linguistics from the University of Michigan, Stacey Hirvela realized her true calling was in the garden. She attended the New York Botanical Garden School of Professional Horticulture, followed by stints as a rooftop gardener in Manhattan, the horticulturist for Tavern on the Green restaurant in Central Park, and as a garden editor and radio host for Martha Stewart Living. She currently serves as marketing manager for Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs and co-hosts the radio show, podcast, and YouTube show, Gardening Simplified On Air.

An Insider’s Guide to Buying the Best Plants

Avid plant collector and industry veteran Susan Martin shares an insider’s perspective on how the supply chain works, which will help you see the plants you buy in a whole new light. You will leave with a better understanding of how to do good research before you buy, look for or avoid specific traits, decode tag language, pick the best plants off the retail bench, and much more. Attending this talk is the next best thing to having a plant pro come shopping with you.

Susan Martin Bio:

Susan Martin is a lifelong Michigander who enjoys sharing her passion for plants, gardening and the business of horticulture with fellow plant enthusiasts as a freelance horticultural marketer, writer and speaker. For over two decades working with plant breeders, growers, retailers, landscapers and home gardeners, it has been her mission to connect those producing the plants to the people buying them. Susan is an avid plant enthusiast whose gardens have been featured in numerous print and online publications and have received visitors from around the world. Her latest endeavor is building her new two-acre home garden from scratch. Follow Susan’s gardening journey on Facebook at Gardener Sue’s News.